
Save Cai Creek

Tell the BC government and BC Timber Sales that Cai Creek is no place for a clearcut.

About Cai Creek

No roads,
only trees

Cai Creek was mapped as a 70-80% intact watershed by BC’s Old Growth Technical Advisory Panel in 2021. Intact means there has been limited current human disturbance like roads or logging. The Cai Creek forest is home to many 250-400 year old fir, cedar, and pine – including BC’s largest Ponderosa Pine (Lieutenant Dan). This forest re-grew after some logging and a fire nearly 100 years ago, but many old growth trees were left standing. What exists today is a diverse and established forest ecosystem. Unfortunately, Cai Creek is not considered old growth by the Ministry of Forests and has no protections by logging deferrals.

Cai Creek is a diverse, mature forest

Full of old trees

Hundreds or thousands of old growth cedar, fir, and pine grow in Cai Creek, including BC’s largest Ponderosa Pine, estimated to be over 400 years old.

A haven for wildlife

The natural growth and death of trees in Cai Creek over decades has created a diverse habitat for deer, elk, bear, birds and countless other species.

Intact and undisturbed

Watersheds without any roads or logging are rare in the Kootenays. Cai Creek is still intact which provides protection for all species that live in this forest.

Logging Plans

BC Timber Sales will auction Cai Creek for logging in 2024

BC Timber Sales – the province’s timber agency – has identified several cutblocks across Cai Creek for logging. All the cutblocks have been mapped and three are planned for auction in October to December 2024. Cutblock plans in the Cai Creek drainage are the worst – logging will cut a 1.5 km by 300 m clearcut across the forest that will be easily visible from Castlegar. Other cutblocks will go in below Brilliant Overlook and in Little McPhee Creek, two iconic local destinations with value beyond timber.

See Cai Creek for yourself

Hike in the summer or snowshoe in the winter. Look upward at giant fir, cedar, and pine. Stand in the middle of an intact forest. All just 5 minutes from Castlegar.

Get the latest on Cai Creek
and logging in the West Kootenays

Follow Kootenay Forest Watch – Castlegar on Facebook to get the latest updates on Cai Creek. A formal written petition is planned for 2024.